Thursday, September 11, 2014

2 cats

I used to have a black cat named Keegan. She was lovely with green eyes and a few white hairs. 
I had a vivid dream the other night. I dreamt that Mike laid a cat upon me while I lay in bed. An orange kitten actually, like some cats are. She was all soft and cuddly, for a split second. I woke up, but I wondered; why is she orange? 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I forgot my phone today. No big deal right? Not totally. But I have come to rely on my phone for a few things, like email. At times I get so much junk, it's nice to keep the trash can full. Other times I'm looking at sales or the discussions on linked in. I have not done this blog from my phone, I'm a little to scared of doing that. On the other hand, Google may have all the information I have already. Still, I think I will leave this at home for the time being. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Logo and creativity

I am not the only one. I just saw two people post in linked in. They are having their own logo struggles. One can't think and create. The other has a logo that looks too much like a logo already attached to a big corporation. Me, I'd like to land on one soon. It will come, time will tell. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

I wish I was I wish I were...

Better at everything! Have you ever had one of those days, moments when someone else's work is so much more beautiful, slick or wonderful than your own? I do all the time. Time to stop that and realize my work is my own, not someone else's. Time to take credit for being who I am and for what I do. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday rain day

Just in time for the long weekend. We need the rain, but I hope it does not do this all weekend long. It's great nap weather right now. It's also great weather to sit inside and get things done. Yes, I'm taking advantage of it. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

New logo...for now

New logo for now. Subject to change without notice. This is so basic, I think I will keep this one here and figure something else out for the real deal. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Logo amongst other things

What's in a name? What's in a logo for that matter. Trying to think of a new idea for a new logo has been like finding a needle in a haystack thsed days. I'm dry as a bone for ideas.
I guess it will come to me. In the meantime I keep thinking about it and trying out a few sketches as well as a few sketches in Illustrator. Wish me luck. My success will end up somewhere I'm sure.